Sankata Nashana Ganesha Stotram - Sankashta Chaturthi Let Us Chant this Stotram to Eliminate All Obstacles in our Life. Hope is the Tomorrow's Veneer Over Today's Disappointment Here is the unknown fact that Vighna Ganapathi(one among thirty two forms of lord Ganesha) is the deity for people whose birth star is "Rohini". If your Birth star is Rohini then this simple stotram will help you in removing obstacles and bringing Prosperity Also irrespective of people born with Birth star as Rohini, others who has faith and chants this stotram on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi will attain happiness and becomes affluent promptly. Story behind Sankata Nashana Ganesha Stotram: The story behind writing the Sankata Nashana Ganesha Stotram is mentioned in the Narada Purana. The story goes like this: Once, sage Narada visited Lord Vishnu and found him in a thoughtful mood. When Narada asked the reason behind Vishnu's melancholy, he said that he was t... is a blog that features a collection of stotrams in Hindi and Telugu. The blog provides a platform for users to access and recite stotrams dedicated to various gods and goddesses in the Hindu religion. The blog also includes translations and explanations of the stotrams, providing readers with a deeper understanding of their significance and meaning. With its easy-to-use interface and extensive collection of stotrams,